Your test scores were:
Auditory: 35% Visual: 50% Tactile: 15%
I learn by reading or seeing pictures!
For a lesson plan, I would like to use many visual tools to facilitate learning. We would begin with a video. Actually seeing things would help the visual learners like me to picture things when they are studying later. The movie would provide a clear picture and make things easier to see and learn. I know that when I watch a movie, I encode and remember the information better.
It would also be beneficial to utilitze either a prezi or a powerpoint. More likely a prezi because of the easier flow of information. Prezi's also keep the attention of students focused. The different movements and styles of the Prezi will help keep the class engaged and learning. Prezi's can also be very colorful and include pictures, videos, and music, which would be a goldmine for visual learners.
After that they could make posters to visually represent what they just learned. Writing things down and drawing pictures will stimulate students' learning. We did this a lot in our history classes and it helped to associate certain drawings or phrases with the things we were learning. Also, if there were any experiments or things that could go with what we are learning, those would be very helpful. Acting things out and making us think through things on our own is a good way to learn.
Being a visual learner means reading, looking at pictures, watching movies, using flashcards, and color coding things to help learn. For this type of learner (like me!) it help to do these things: sit near the front of class, use flashcards, write down key words, relate things to Harry Potter, and avoid distractions.